Montreal Muslims successfully hold Open Door event at 12 mosques across the cityDecember 6, 2010
Montreal, Quebec, December 6th, 2010- The Muslim Council of Montreal (MCM) would like to thank all visitors and volunteers who helped make the 9th annual Open Doors mosque event a success. The Open Doors event took place on December 5th, 2010 at 12 different mosques in the greater Montreal area, welcoming all interested members of the public to visit the mosques and interact with Canadian Muslims. “Such events are a means of helping to start a positive dialogue between different communities in our society and help to build bridges of mutual understanding and respect,” stated Salam Elmenyawi, president of MCM. “The population of both Quebec and Canada is very diverse and this diversity is something that should be embraced and celebrated. We are committed to working with all our friends and neighbours to help build a strong, harmonious and prosperous Quebec and Canadian society.”MCM extends its appreciation to all mosques that participated in the event, all volunteers who helped make it possible, all media outlets that covered the event, and of course to all visitors who came with an open heart and a commitment to peace, respect and understanding.
CONTACT: Salam Elmenyawi Muslim Council of Montreal (MCM) Ph.: (514) 748-8427 E-mail: Website:
The Muslim Council of Montreal (MCM) is an umbrella organization representing a number of Islamic institutions in the Montreal region. There are over 225,000 Muslims in Montreal, about 1,000,000 in Canada and 1.7 billion worldwide.
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